fredag 10 augusti 2012

The cast!

And here they are, the whole cast! Maybe not all of them, but at least the ones that moves the plot forward. The character designs might change a bit when they come into play.

This week I've finished with the pre-production, and I've started drawing it. I'm a sucker for pre-production, I really like that phase of a project, you're energetic by the new idea that holds promises of greatness! And that's because you haven't fouled it up yet!! You start looking for inspiration and plan the project. And you start writing it, and putting words on your idea. Pre-production is kind of foolproof, you can hardly mess it up! So it feels safe, currently I'm out of that safe zone and I've started drawing it, which feels a bit scary, and also fun at the same time. It's alway fun to finish a part of the project and move on to the next.

Yesterday though I had one of those days where I kind of got things moving, but the inspiration wasn't really there, ok, I know, behind all creativity there's 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration! But sometimes it's nice to feel the wind of inspiration on your back, you know! I have my ways of getting the fix of inspiration, but it just didn't work. I will write more on the subject of inspiration later on... I know that some days are just like that, and you just have to get in there and do it.
The all so important question is when do you do your best work, is it when you're inspired or is it when you feel not so inspired, I think I have a theory on that one but I'll share that with you later on...

Take care!

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