fredag 30 september 2011

Studying religion

Hi there!

As you might know at this point, that what you see here on this blog, probably is a work in progress! Two weeks ago I posted a comics page about studying religion, and all was well, kind of, or so I thought. When I had posted it I knew that it needed some more work, so here it is again! I've re-inked it, did some lettering on the computer because my hand writing leaves a lot to desire. On the whole you might say that I touched up the comic. Is it finished? Probably, but you never know!

Take care!

fredag 23 september 2011

The role of the Catholic church in horror movies

As you might have read on this blog I've written a bachelors essay on the role of the Catholic church in horror movies. You know the one with the sentence with the seven commas... This essay is now available on the university library of Gothenburg. You are very welcome to read it. You have to look for it, to find it though. Go to:

Choose "Publicera".
Choose "Sök i databasen GUPEA"
In the new window, choose "Student essays/studentuppsatser"
Choose "Department of literature, history of Ideas and religion/Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion"
Choose "Kandidatuppsatser"
Write "catholic church" in the dialogue box, press enter and voila! There it is! You can also search by the Swedish title: Katolska kyrkans roll i skräckfilm.

Or if you find this route long and tedious you can just go to:

It's in Swedish but the summary is in english!

Happy reading!

Take care!

fredag 16 september 2011

The study of religion


As you might know, I study religion. As a student of the aspects of religion I find myself reading books about the subject. The following comic page shows what sometimes happen.  This one is in Swedish but I think you get the general idea... this might be a work in progress, I haven't decided yet! And no, I'm NOT going to be a priest!

Take care!

fredag 9 september 2011


Hi there!

For the last couple of weeks I've animated a sequence where my penguin moonwalks! To get it right I've studied some clips of Michael Jackson on the internet where he moonwalks, and some other artists as well. I've kept the upper body quite still because that's how Michael does it, and he should know!
It's a cycle that I've panned across the screen, which doesn't sound all that time consuming to make, but in fact the camera had to be aligned according to the drawing for every frame! The software(s) I've used is pen and paper and Flipbook.

Take care!

fredag 2 september 2011

A week of rest and relaxation!

I've taken this week off so I've only cleaned my apartment, read comics and watched films, a wonderful week! I forgot to put this in last weeks update.
When I sent my first demoreel around in 2000, I got this reply that I've saved, and it reads in part as follows in translation:

"...Forgot to say that I liked 'Min Pärla' alot, it had a fine spirit. It's not often that I see so different animation that gives something more."

As I've said I kept that one!

Since I will be back in action next week, there will be more to look at next friday.

Take care!