fredag 29 januari 2021

Water colors 7

Welcome to the seventh installment of the water colors project, and this time I will show you examples from the 13th batch. As I am writing this I am producing the 14th!

I have forgotten to tell you that the course finished in December, and the reason why I am continuing with the water colors is because I really want to finish what I have started. But, I am nearing the end of plants to draw and paint!

Take care!

Butomus umbellatus

Calla palustris, this might be the best drawing and painting of mine to date!

Caltha palustris

Iris pseudacorus, when I was choosing among the paintings I was not really sure if I was to choose this one, but I did because it has something that I can not put my finger on; basically I like it!

Trapa natans

fredag 22 januari 2021

Water Colors 6

After the holidays I thought it was time for some new water colors and this time it will be selections from batches eleven and twelve. When I made these I noticed an increase in skill both in drawing and painting.

Take care!

Wisteria sinensis

Fallopia baldschuanica

Hedera helix

Humulus lupus

Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Parthenocissus inserta

Anemone x hybrida, this one and the rest of the paintings are from the twelfth batch.

Echinacea purpurea, I selected this one because this is one of my favorite flowers.

Hemerocallis, this one is my personal favorite, the drawing works and the painting also, at least according to me.

Hosta, I like this drawing and painting too...

Liatris spicata

Rudbeckia fulgida v. sullivantii 'Goldsturm', this is also one of my favorites, I get happy when I see them.