fredag 31 januari 2014

Necronasses lilla svarta

Earlier I've written about a release party for a quote book... Last weekend it took place and it was a lot of fun!

But first things first, here it is in all it's glory:

Death Piglets Necromantics with friends presents: Death Piglets Little Black (book)
50 illustrated quotes

Although not all of the creators were there, I still got signatures from those present.

So how did it all got started you ask?
Well, The Swedish comics collective Nasses necromantiker/Death Piglets Necromantics started in Hofors at the comics school, in the late 1990s (I guess), mixing their love of comics and games, and the result was their own comic book: Nasses Nekrozin/Death Piglets Necrozine. It still gets published but not as frequent as before. I've made one appearance in 2002.

And the quote book?
In late winter/early spring 2011 me and some friends were going to have a tasting of my latest mead. Jan Kustfält then talked about this quote book, that he was involved in and asked if we were interested. I looked at the quotes which were very funny, and I found one and I instantly got an idea that I sketched in my notepad. Later I decided to find some more quotes to illustrate and I posted them here on the blog, you can look at them here:

These are all works in progress. Later I inked them and scanned them and sent them to Jan. Two of the illustrations got into the book, they decided to let the creators do two quotes each. I then waited for the quote book, and waited, and waited... When I was approached to be a part of it, they had a deadline and it all felt real, like it was going to happen. But as it turned out it didn't. It felt a bit sad. I don't really know, why it got put on hold, it just did.

The years passed, in december last year when we had a tasting of a very strong "glögg" that I had mixed together, Jan told me that they had sent the quote book to the printer! Fortunately I sat down, because if I hadn't I would've fallen.

Last week I attended my first release party as a creator, it was a lot of fun, and I got to sign a few of the books myself. I hope this wasn't my last release party, I liked the taste of it!

The day after when I read the book for the first time. I was amazed about the talent that I got to rub shoulders with in this book.

So, what have we learnt from this:

1) Good things comes from drinking strong beverages, of my own creation!

2) If a project doesn't get published right away, that doesn't mean it will never see the light of day. It probably will, but in another way.

Take care!

fredag 24 januari 2014

The idea and the real.

When I had begun drawing Pilgrim, I got this idea for another project. All along the process of drawing, I kept the ideas coming for this project. That project is the script I'm currently writing, and developing.

When that project was just in the idea phase, it felt really fresh and cool and all in all a very positive thing to think about. But I had to finish Pilgrim first, before I could dive into this new project.

And now I'm in the middle of writing it!

Something that I've noticed is that when an idea of a project is still in the idea phase, it's all very positive and feels very inspiring. But when you finally are going to realize it, it can sometimes feel like an uphill climb. Why is that?

Here is a sketchy answer: To realize something takes a lot of work. You have to get going even if you don't feel like it... When you realize a project, you are doing just that, realizing it. The idea goes from the idea plane into the real world. As an idea the project feels ideal and great. When it transcends, the ideal aspect of it gets a bit flawed. In your writing it just isn't that smooth as you first thought, or if you are sketching it, the characters just don't feel ideal, they're ok, but not ideal.

I think it's a difference between the idea and the real. The idea is always going to be great and kind of unreachable. The real, is always going to be a compromise between various skills, patience and time.

I don't think there is something wrong with this, I think it's just the way it is. Just because you (or I) don't always get to the ideal phase in our realization, doesn't mean that our work doesn't have any quality. In our reaching for the ideal, we will continue to get better and improve on our skills.

It's kind of philosophical, when you think about it!

Take care!

fredag 17 januari 2014

Finally and Sometimes it just happens!

Finally I'm going to get a real palm grasping of my new projects. I've been busy with an exam this week, so it feels great to finally get going!

Something that I'm currently wondering about is what I'm going to do with this blog, since I will probably not have that much to show during the following months. What I'll be doing is to write, and I'm not sure that will be so interesting to watch, snippets of text... Maybe it will solve itself somehow, maybe it will be musings on writing that will be the topic the following months.

Sometimes it just happens, some weeks before christmas I got the great news that some illustrations that I did for an upcoming quote book, will get published! Somehow the book got printed, and next week the 25th there will be a release party at Serieateljén in Gothenburg, be there or be square! It came as a complete surprise that the project finally got going, and I'm really happy that it got printed.

Take care!

fredag 10 januari 2014

A new year, with new projects!

This week I've slowly begun to make heads or tails of my upcoming projects. I've also begun to look at the inspiration for the projects.

Take care!