fredag 26 september 2014

The character design has begun!

Last week I finished the analysis! Which feels great. To my surprise it became quite the bundle of drawings. Even though I was the one doing all the drawing, it dawned on me just last week, how many there were!

During the design of the characters, I don’t think I will post scans of the pages; because I don’t want to disturb the process. But when they are done, scans will be posted!

Take care!

fredag 19 september 2014

How to make apple mash, the comic!

It might be some months ago, that I got a tip that a comics publisher were going to put out a book with recipes from comics artists. At first I didn’t know if I had an idea strong enough for a book like that. To my surprise I did! Unfortunately the deadline came fast and I was out of town that very week. So I decided to do my pages the week after, and so I did! Because I thought that they had a few weeks to put it all together and so on... to my surprise they had already sent it to the printers!

So what have I learned from this? A deadline, is a deadline, is a deadline!

So here are my comics pages about apple mash! Although I think it’s kind of self explanatory I will provide a translation under the pages.

Take care!

How to make apple mash by P-G Lidström

Wash up jars!

Peal, take away the pips and cut the apples into small pieces.

Pour a small amount of water...

...and jam sugar!


Well, boil asunder then you wretched pieces!!!!!!!!!


Pour the apple mash into the clean jars.

Put the lid on!
Boiling hot apple mash + jar of glass + lid =

Aaaaaooouch!! Raaaaaaahhh!!!!

- Lots of jars.
- Lots of apples.
- Jam sugar, that you can mix with castor sugar, if you would like a looser mash.
- Put the apple pieces in water with lemon juice, (or a vitamin C-tablet) so they won’t turn brown.
- I tend to rough or play it by ear, the amount of kilos of apples and jam sugar, it makes it more thrilling...!!
- Good luck!

fredag 12 september 2014

The final piece of analysis!

Finally I’m done with the analysis! Here is the last scan.

I’ve continued with the Spirou album Drömfabriken/Machine qui rêve. Sadly the binding of the album gave way, so some of the pages are now loose... The grade of the album went from very fine to (kind of) poor quite quickly!! (By grading I mean the scale that the comics collectors use...)

Sometimes it’s hard to estimate how long something will take, for this analysis I had estimated about 3-4 weeks... Lets just say it took longer than that...! But hopefully I’m going to benefit from it later on...I hope!

Next up is character design!

Take care!

fredag 5 september 2014

Yet more analysis.

The analysis here has continued and I start to feel like a copy machine...!

Here are some new scans! This time around I’ve concentrated on a motorcycle because in one of my scripts, there is one... I’ve noticed that the motorcycle as on object is quite hard to get right...

On top is a drawing from the comic Joe Bar Team by Bar2 and Stéphane Deteindre, it’s a Ducati as I’ve scribbled beside it. Below that one and for the rest, are drawings from the Spirou album "Drömfabriken"/"Machine qui rêve", by Tome & Janry. This album is, according to me, by far the best looking and story wise it’s great! The story stays with you... It’s one of my favorite Spirou albums!

If my eyes don’t deceive me, the make of the motorcycle is Kawasaki, I haven’t yet looked up what kind of model it is, mainly it’s because it’s another make in my comic...

Below is a drawing from the front cover of the album.