fredag 19 september 2014

How to make apple mash, the comic!

It might be some months ago, that I got a tip that a comics publisher were going to put out a book with recipes from comics artists. At first I didn’t know if I had an idea strong enough for a book like that. To my surprise I did! Unfortunately the deadline came fast and I was out of town that very week. So I decided to do my pages the week after, and so I did! Because I thought that they had a few weeks to put it all together and so on... to my surprise they had already sent it to the printers!

So what have I learned from this? A deadline, is a deadline, is a deadline!

So here are my comics pages about apple mash! Although I think it’s kind of self explanatory I will provide a translation under the pages.

Take care!

How to make apple mash by P-G Lidström

Wash up jars!

Peal, take away the pips and cut the apples into small pieces.

Pour a small amount of water...

...and jam sugar!


Well, boil asunder then you wretched pieces!!!!!!!!!


Pour the apple mash into the clean jars.

Put the lid on!
Boiling hot apple mash + jar of glass + lid =

Aaaaaooouch!! Raaaaaaahhh!!!!

- Lots of jars.
- Lots of apples.
- Jam sugar, that you can mix with castor sugar, if you would like a looser mash.
- Put the apple pieces in water with lemon juice, (or a vitamin C-tablet) so they won’t turn brown.
- I tend to rough or play it by ear, the amount of kilos of apples and jam sugar, it makes it more thrilling...!!
- Good luck!

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