fredag 5 september 2014

Yet more analysis.

The analysis here has continued and I start to feel like a copy machine...!

Here are some new scans! This time around I’ve concentrated on a motorcycle because in one of my scripts, there is one... I’ve noticed that the motorcycle as on object is quite hard to get right...

On top is a drawing from the comic Joe Bar Team by Bar2 and Stéphane Deteindre, it’s a Ducati as I’ve scribbled beside it. Below that one and for the rest, are drawings from the Spirou album "Drömfabriken"/"Machine qui rêve", by Tome & Janry. This album is, according to me, by far the best looking and story wise it’s great! The story stays with you... It’s one of my favorite Spirou albums!

If my eyes don’t deceive me, the make of the motorcycle is Kawasaki, I haven’t yet looked up what kind of model it is, mainly it’s because it’s another make in my comic...

Below is a drawing from the front cover of the album.

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