fredag 16 augusti 2013

Sketches in red continues

The sketching in red continues as you can see on the drawings below. As I've written before I find it kind of weird that the panels that I'm worried or anxious about drawing, comes out alright, or even good. Or maybe I'm a better draughtsman than I'm giving myself credit to...

In the beginning of the summer I saw before me a way to spend more time on Pilgrim, which I enjoyed thinking. Unfortunately or luckily(!), things have popped up that needed my attention. These things have been fun things and good things so I'm happy for the opportunities they have given me. But on the flip side of it, my time on Pilgrim has been less than I originally thought, which is kind of sad. But if these things that have popped up will get further, they will kick some serious derrières! Trust me on that one! And they would mean the world to me!

In the beginning of a project, you (or I) plan a deadline. The deadline for Pilgrim to be finished, was within a year from the start of the project. I started drawing it in july last year, even though I wrote in the blog post that I didn't know when it was going to get finished, I always thought that it would be within a year. So will it be? Well, since we're in august 2013 I guess it will, kind of, as of yet, not be finished within a year... so, uh... oh, darn!

So when will it be finished then? It's kind of hard to say, the chapter I'm working on at the moment is the longest yet. But the rest of the chapters will not be that long (at least I don't think so). So my naive new deadline will be autumn 2013... You know it's great with broad deadlines, because you will almost always meet them! Only time will tell if I will meet this one... But at the same time, what's most important is that the project will get finished and that I will do it as good as I can, to the best of my abilities.

Take care!

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