fredag 2 maj 2014

The inspiration list

What is that you may ask!

Well, when I developed these latest ideas of mine, I came up with this list of comics and films and books, that I needed to see/read to be able to write a good script, or so I thought...

Well, I did watch some of the films and read some of the comics, and they have helped me in the writing process. But I haven't finished that whole list of stuff.

So what did I learn here, then?
I learned that although inspirational stuff is very handy to get and to digest, what's important is that you or I get our thumbs out of our derrières and do stuff! By doing stuff, you get experience and with experience you get better. Sort of a learning curve that goes (hopefully) upward...

Take care!

P.s There has been a short hiatus here on the blog due to Easter and reading... I've written earlier that the scripts are done (sort of) and also the scripts for the teasers are now done too (sort of). What's next is to start drawing and implement those styles that I've imagined... But more on that later.

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