fredag 2 november 2012

Pilrim is launched!

Yes it's true ladies and gentlemen, it's finally launched! My first venture in the web comics and comics field! It's up and running so head on over to it and read, the link is to your right and below:

It feels go-ood!

After spending some time in front of the screen and decide how to publish my comic, I decided to do it with Blogger, because I already know that tool and it's nice and easy for me to use and that makes me a happy man! I took a glance at comicpress but you needed some hard programming skills that I don't possess, so I let that one go, I also took a gander at the various webcomic places on the web but I didn't really find one where my comic would place. So Blogger it is! I truly think it's a win-win situation, it's easy to use and easy on the eyes to read and as a reader you don't have to spend time waiting for pages to load!

It will be very interesting to see where this will take my comic. Will it be read? I hope so... Speaking of reading I decided to publish it in the language of legends and heroes...Swedish! I did this to stay true to the script that I've written. But in the future there might be translations. But I don't think it will be that hard to follow even if you don't speak the language.

There will probably be things that I miss along the way, one can only try so much to do it right. If there will be things that I missed, like facts or other stuff, I will take the opportunity after the final chapter to write an essay or article where I put things right.

Now it's only to go ahead with the second chapter!

Take care!

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