fredag 19 augusti 2011

Weekend update!

Hi there!

For this week I've done an illustration with my raccoon character. I got the idea a couple of days ago, where I kind of saw him meditating, somehow. You'll see both the sketch and the inked drawing. To tell you the truth I didn't spend too much time on the background, so I might redo that. It dawned on me when I was done with the drawing, where is he? And I thought that he might be at the beach, because I find it to be calm and soothing when I stand on the beach and looking out on the horizon. The posture is named lotus, and since he (or she?) has both his feet over the other leg, he is not a beginner when it comes to meditating! In yoga the posture is called Padma-asana, if you're not that flexible, you can do a half lotus (ardha padma-asana), with only one leg over the other. Yoga is physical and mental training to get from ignorance to awakening. In hinduism/buddhism awakening is to realize that we live in a cyclical time/reality, where we are constantly reborn, according to karma. There's lots to be said and written about hinduism/buddhism, but I think I'll stop there. I'm not a buddhist just interested in history of religion! Whether or not raccoons use there tail when they do yoga I do not know...

Take care!

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