fredag 4 december 2015

Character design touch up

Here are the characters again with a few minor touch ups being done. I guess the rest of the quirks that needs to be attended, will sort them selves out, when I start using the characters.

Take care!

Here are the main characters for Alla älskar... (Everyone loves...)

Here are the main characters for Fanny V.

And here are the main characters from Hämnare i Rött (Avenger in Red).

fredag 16 oktober 2015

Plutonium no 12

I'm published, again! And as you probably know by now, there is a story...!

It started several years ago, when I asked my friend and draughtsman Jan Kustfält if he would be interested to do the pencils on one of my scripts. I might've had this idea about a short story when I asked him or, I came up with the story afterwards, my memory isn't quite clear on that fact. Anyway, he said he was interested and shortly I wrote this script with him in mind as penciller!

I sent it to him and he said he was going to it! And now this autumn it's published! Feels great! It's been out for a couple of weeks, and I'm still very proud! The book was released during the Book fair here in Gothenburg earlier this autumn. I tried to get as many dedications as I could in my issue!

And now you ask how was it like to write something that you were not going to pencil yourself? It felt awesome! I think it has do with the fact that I wrote the story with that in mind, that I wasn't going to do the pencils on this one.

Plutonium is an anthology magazine (or book?) that is published yearly, edited by Per Myrhill. It contains loads of Swedish comics artists and international artists as well. If you are interested in whats happening in the Swedish comics scene I recommend you to check it out! But then off course I'm biased...!

Below you will see some photos of the book and the dedications that I got!

Take care

fredag 11 september 2015

Character design is now done!

It's done, and it's not just done, it's donnelly-donnelly-done-done! Well...although it's done, there are some small quirks that needs to be addressed. I've just fixed the last details, the details that I noticed when I looked at them on my kitchen wall. I think that the last minor details will sort themselves out when I start with the teasers.

Writing about the teasers... They will have the form of a trailer but I will not use drawings from the actual story, because it doesn't exist yet! So they will be trailer-esque, you might say. I've written short scripts that introduce the characters and possibly the story, so that one can get acquainted with the story and the characters. And more important, they get me a chance to see if I can pull it off and also to try the characters out, before I delve into one of the projects for real!

Take care!

fredag 14 augusti 2015

Character design part 3

This week I will show you the characters from my third upcoming comics project! This project is independent from the previous two, and is a thriller/horror story (of sorts) that takes place here in Gothenburg. These are photos and not scans and I know there are some small details that I will take care of!

At the moment I'm working with the teasers for these projects. A few pages to get a feel for the story and the characters, without telling the whole story...!

Why three projects you ask? Well, I kind of got the two last ideas almost simultaneous, and I kind of like to develop's why...I guess...

Take care!

fredag 7 augusti 2015

Character design part 2

Here are the characters for my second comics project. Although I don't want do write too much about it, but I can tell you that the story takes place in the 1930s in Gothenburg and is an action/adventure story. 

The characters from last week are from a relationship comedy of sorts... So these two stories are independent from one another.

As I wrote last week, these are photos and not scans. As I have looked at the drawings/characters on my kitchen wall, I have noticed some small things that I will take care of... so the process here is an ongoing one...!

Take care!

fredag 31 juli 2015

Character design part 1

I know you don't believe it, and I have a hard time to do so myself... But...drumroll please...the character design is finished!!!!!!! Well, kind of... What I'm going to do now is to pin these drawings to the wall so I can have a gander at them from time to time. So that I can see if something must be changed to improve them.

The next step is to make the teasers for these comics projects. This will also function as a way to see if the characters work.

These are photos of the character sheets. When the time is right I will make scans of them and add them to my portfolio. Since I tend to play with my cards close to my chest I will not go into great detail about the projects or the characters. Because I don't want to jinx it!

You are very welcome to have a look at the main characters, for one of my upcoming comics projects!

Take care, and stay tuned next week for more characters!

torsdag 23 juli 2015

the White buses: documentation

Finally, some published drawings!

A week ago, I got the documentation that has been produced about the event with the White buses. You can see an earlier post about it further down, or just click on the link:

Well, just to be honest with you, I must write that I use the term published in the very broadest of means! As I see it, if I submit drawings and they get chosen, and they get printed or a pdf is made, it's a publication!!

So without further ado, here are some screen dumps (is that the correct term?) from the pdf that is the publication.

Take care!

This is the cover of the documentation, just to prove that I'm telling the truth and not pulling a fast one...! ;-)

The event started already on Friday with a trip to the new Jewish cemetery. My task was to document the event. From quite many photos taken, this is the one they chose for the documentation.

 My comics page...

...and the illustration. The documentation that I received was a low res one so that is why the resolution looks like it does...

fredag 10 juli 2015

A quick update!

It was some weeks ago, since my last update. As you already know by now the process here is an ongoing one... I’m still working with the character design for my projects... It moves slowly forward, and when I write slowly, I mean sloooooooooooooooowwwwwwwllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! But that is due to some things that has a great input on the business of the day to day life, like working full time, for instance.

A thought that I entertained this week is that if you (or I) want to do more creative stuff, a small step in the right direction is that "wanting". The next step should be to come up with a plan on how to make it work practically. So I guess it’s a combination of theory and practice, kind of...!

Take care!

fredag 5 juni 2015

the White buses

Finally some pictures!

For the documentation of the day we had with the White buses (see the post below) I did an illustration and a comics page. At first I didn’t think that I would do something for the event. Because we had already gotten a great illustrator. But then I gave it some more thought, and I got two ideas, that were good enough to work with.

Here they are:

This is a sketch of the illustration. The photo here is not that great, but I think you will get the picture...

At first I thought that I would ink the illustration with a steel nib. But that kind of went side ways...and then I tried some different inking nibs and pens and finally a brush! Which to my amazement was the best! So inking with brush is my way of inking...kind of...!

Here is a clean-up drawing of the comics page. When I thought about this page I wanted something simple and easy, and I also wanted to tell a story. But how can you tell a story that has been told in so many ways before, without repeating and get lost in the horror of it. Plus I also wanted it to translate to the here and the now, because people that are considered different are still to this day being hunted or being moved about. I know, it is a tall order but that was what I was thinking about.

The inked version of the same page. As you notice, the final panel is different on the inked version. After I inked it I kind of didn’t like the final panel (the one on the pencilled page). So I gave it some more thought and redrew it and inked it and put it there and scanned it! It works better now I think.

Take care!

torsdag 7 maj 2015

The White buses

The 9th of May, there will be a great day at the cathedral here in Gothenburg. Where we will focus on, and talk and show the white buses. A rescue operation to free inmates from German concentration camps at the end of WWII, led by Folke Bernadotte. Actually the event will begin already tomorrow on Friday! Outside the church there is a bus in 1:1 scale whiteout it actually being there! It's really cool! Inside there is an exhibition that I've been involved in producing. So if you are in the neighborhood, check it out!

Take care!

tisdag 28 april 2015

A quick, how things are going!

I just wanted to let you know that I’m still here! The character design is coming along nicely, although it is going extremely slow, but I will get there. I have a plan for the update of the portfolio, it might come sooner than you think...!

In the meantime I’ve been curating another exhibition, more info coming soon!

Take care!

måndag 2 mars 2015

Proof of my curating capabilites?

Well, sometimes things fall right into your lap!

A few weeks ago I was asked if I could take care of an exhibition, that will be held in the Gustavi cathedral here in Gothenburg! Of course I said yes, and since then I’ve been looking at the existing material and finding new stuff. So basically I became a curator!

Well, uh, truth be told, what I’ve really been doing is to assist in the curating of this exhibition! But in my ears the assisting part is kind of silent!

So if you are in the vicinity I’d suggest you to visit an awesome exhibition of the cathedral through time, from the past to the present!

The exhibition will open at Saturday, March 7th 11.30 at the Gustavi cathedral in Gothenburg!


Take care!

fredag 13 februari 2015

Updates anyone?

Well, what can I say. As I’ve written before there have been some changes in my life that will affect my blogging activities. So therefore I have decided that my updates will be on a whenever-I-can-basis!

In doing so I hope that it will be quality and not quantity, here on the blog (...stop laughing!).

And as you probably knew the design process is still ongoing! Although I might be closer to an end result, than I was a few weeks ago...!

Take care!

fredag 23 januari 2015

The pose...

...for some days I’ve been trying to find a decent pose to get the character in the mood of things. To try it out. To see how it feels. It’s hard finding that pose, until I decided that I could steal it! Yes, there you have it, he who steals, gets!

I’m not to proud of this realization, but if it gets the job done...! The pose worked by the way, and the character also!

Take care!

fredag 16 januari 2015


I’m back on track and continue with the character design. It took some time, but maybe it was needed, probably it was.

I will probably not post works of the process here, during the process, I tend to play with the cards close to my chest, if you know what I mean.

Take care!

onsdag 7 januari 2015

Charlie Hebdo

Today I heard of this attack against the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. I hope that this blow at the freedom of speech and criticism will not be the conquering one. I hope that freedom of speech and criticism will stand tall and strong.

I also hope that the journalists and critical cartoonists out there that are under pressure will find the strength to continue their important work.

One last thing, although I’m a man faith I find that criticism of religion is very important. Because a critical or satirical view of a subject might be a completely different view than your own, and therefore you might get a different take on things. And this new take might make you grow, as an individual.

Take care!