Finally I'm going to get a real palm grasping of my new projects. I've been busy with an exam this week, so it feels great to finally get going!
Something that I'm currently wondering about is what I'm going to do with this blog, since I will probably not have that much to show during the following months. What I'll be doing is to write, and I'm not sure that will be so interesting to watch, snippets of text... Maybe it will solve itself somehow, maybe it will be musings on writing that will be the topic the following months.
Sometimes it just happens, some weeks before christmas I got the great news that some illustrations that I did for an upcoming quote book, will get published! Somehow the book got printed, and next week the 25th there will be a release party at Serieateljén in Gothenburg, be there or be square! It came as a complete surprise that the project finally got going, and I'm really happy that it got printed.
Take care!
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