As you might have read on this blog I've written a bachelors essay on the role of the Catholic church in horror movies. You know the one with the sentence with the seven commas... This essay is now available on the university library of Gothenburg. You are very welcome to read it. You have to look for it, to find it though. Go to:
Choose "Publicera".
Choose "Sök i databasen GUPEA"
In the new window, choose "Student essays/studentuppsatser"
Choose "Department of literature, history of Ideas and religion/Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion"
Choose "Kandidatuppsatser"
Write "catholic church" in the dialogue box, press enter and voila! There it is! You can also search by the Swedish title: Katolska kyrkans roll i skräckfilm.
Or if you find this route long and tedious you can just go to:
It's in Swedish but the summary is in english!
Happy reading!
Take care!
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