It's done, and it's not just done, it's donnelly-donnelly-done-done! Well...although it's done, there are some small quirks that needs to be addressed. I've just fixed the last details, the details that I noticed when I looked at them on my kitchen wall. I think that the last minor details will sort themselves out when I start with the teasers.
Writing about the teasers... They will have the form of a trailer but I will not use drawings from the actual story, because it doesn't exist yet! So they will be trailer-esque, you might say. I've written short scripts that introduce the characters and possibly the story, so that one can get acquainted with the story and the characters. And more important, they get me a chance to see if I can pull it off and also to try the characters out, before I delve into one of the projects for real!
Take care!