fredag 27 maj 2011


Hi there!

I've worked some more on last weeks update:

As before the original in on the left and my drawing is on the right. I made my drawing a few per cent smaller than the original, but aside from that I think I'm done wit it.

Take care!

fredag 20 maj 2011



Here is an assignment for a course I'm currently taking.

The assignment was to copy the drawing. The original is the one on the left and my drawing is to the right. I noticed this today, you can see in my drawing the man is slightly crouching and bends a wee bit forward. Maybe I'm going to change this in the future. So stay tuned!

Take care!

fredag 13 maj 2011


Hi there!

This week I'll share a sketch of Rasmus, my parents cat! As you can see from the sketch he is a cat in his prime and he is not fat only big boned! Rasmus can be very cuddly, but can change from the cuddliness to biting, in a nanosecond, and when he bites it's for real! So to have him in ones lap can be really exciting!

Take care!

fredag 6 maj 2011



Here is another sketch for the quotebook, and as always this is a work in progress.
The quote is: "Deathpiglet has the bounciness of ten Tiggers."

Next week I'm going to ink the illustrations.

Take care!